Technical Reports 1996
1996/1 (Abstract)
Approximation of Smooth Functions by sk-Splines
A.K. Kushpel, J. Levesley and W. Light
1996/2 (Abstract) (ps.gz)
On Representing Finite Lattices as Intervals in Subgroup
Lattices of Finite Groups
R. Baddeley and A. Lucchini
1996/3 (Abstract) (dvi.gz)
On Fixpoint Objects and Gluing Constructions
R.L. Crole
1996/4 (Abstract)
Verification of Fault-Tolerance and Real-Time
Z. Liu
1996/5 (Abstract)
Relating Operational and Denotational Semantics for Input/Output
R.L. Crole, A.D. Gordon
1996/6 (Abstract)
Regular Subgraphs in Graphs and Rooted Graphs, and Definability
in Monadic Second-order Logic
I.A. Stewart
1996/7 (Abstract)
Higher vn Torsion in Lie Groups
J. Hunton, M. Mimura, T. Nishimoto and B. Schuster
1996/8 (Abstract)
Presentations for Subsemigroups - Applications to Ideals of
C.M. Campbell, E.F. Robertson, N. Ruskuc, R.M. Thomas.
1996/9 (Abstract)
On embedding cycles in k-ary n-cubes
Y.A. Ashir, I.A. Stewart
1996/10 (Abstract)
Logics with zero-one laws that are not fragments of
bounded-variable infinitary logic
I.A. Stewart
Optimal Approximation of Sets of Smooth Functions on Sd
Alexander Kushpel
Modified Quasi-Interpolation on the Square using Thin-Plate
Splines: Part II
Jeremy Levesley
1996/13 (Abstract)
On classifying all full factorisations and
multiple-factorisations of the finite almost simple
R. Baddeley, C.E. Praeger
1996/14 (Abstract)
On primitive overgroups of quasiprimitive permutation
R. Baddeley, C.E. Praeger
1996/15 (Abstract)
Preconditions for the Adaptive h-p Version Finite Element
Ainsworth B. Senior D. Andrews
1996/16 (Abstract)
On Fixpoint Objects for Commutative Faithful Monads
R.L. Crole
1996/17 (Abstract)
How Linear is Howe?
R.L. Crole
1996/18 (Abstract)
On the power of built-in relations in certain classes of program
S.R. Chauhan, I.A. Stewart
A Comparison on the Commutative Products of the Distributions
and Semigroups
A. Kilicman, B. Fisher
The density of translates of zonal kernels on compact
homogeneous spaces
L. Ragozin, J. Levesley
Variational Theory for Interpolation on Spheres
Levesley, W A Light, D Rogozin, X. Sun
A Note on the Commutative Neutrix Product of Distributions and
Adem Kilicman
1996/23 (Abstract)
A Posteriori Error Estimation for Fully Discrete Hierarchic
Models of Elliptic Boundary Value Problems on Thin Domains
Mark Ainsworth
1996/24 (Abstract)
On Hochschild Cohomology of Preprojective Algebras, I
Karin Erdmann, Nicole Snashall
1996/25 (Abstract)
On Hochschild Cohomology of Preprojective Algebras, II
Karin Erdmann, Nicole Snashall
1996/26 (Abstract)
Positive Versions of Polynomial Time
C. Lautemann, T. Schwentick, I.A. Stewart
Approximation of Smooth Functions by sk-splines
A K Kushpel, J Levesley, W A Light
1996/28 (Abstract)
Communication algorithms in $k$-ary $n$-cube interconnection
Y.A. Ashir, I.A. Stewart
1996/29 (Abstract)
An Adaptive Refinement Strategy of hp-finite Elemens
M Ainsworth, B Senior
1996/30 (Abstract)
Fault-tolerant embeddings of Hamiltonian circuits in $k$-ary
Y.A. Ashir, I.A. Stewart
Sk-Spline Interpolation on the Torus using Number Theoretic
S M Gomes, A K Kushpel, J Levesley, D L Ragozin
Spaces of Distributions and Interpolation by Translates of a
Basis Function
W A Light, H S J Wayne
A Hierarchy of Authentication Specifications
G Lowe
Using CSP to Detect Errors in the TMN Protocol
G Lowe, B Roscoe
Interpolation by Translates of a Basis Function
Will Light
On the norm of the Fourier projection in weighted Lp
J Levesley, A K Kushpel
1996/37 (Abstract)
Generalized Hex and logical characterizations of polynomial
A A Arratia-Quesada, I A Stewart
1996/38 (Abstract)
Formalizing Real-Time Scheduling as Program Refinement
Z Liu, M Joseph
1996/39 (Abstract)
Coalgebraic Algebra
J Hunton, P Turner