University of Leicester

School of Mathematics & Computer Science

 Technical Reports Summary 1999 

1999/1 Gavin Lowe and Mei Lin Hui. Safe simplifying transformations for security protocols or not just the Needham Schroeder Public Key Protocol.

1999/2 Iain Stewart. Program schemes, arrays, Linstrom quantifiers and zero-one laws.

1999/3 Gavin Lowe. Defining Information Flow.

1999/4 Duncan Parkes and Rick Thomas. Reduced and Irreducible Word Problems of Groups.

1999/5 Iain Stewart. Logical definability verus computational complexity: another equivalence.

1999/6 Roy Crole. Incompleteness of Linear Bisimilarity for Contextual Equivalence.

1999/7 Zhiming Liu and Mathai Joseph. Verification, Refinement and Scheduling of Real-time Programs.

1999/8 Irek Ulidowski. Finite Axiom Systems for Testing Preorder and De simone Process Languages.

1999/9 Jacqui Ramagge and Wayne Wheeler. Cohomology of Buildings and Finiteness properties of A~n - Groups.

1999/10 Martin Edjvet, Gerhard Rosenberger, Michael Stille and Rick Thomas. On certain finite generalized tetrahedran groups.

1999/11 Ben Donovan, Paul Norris and Gavin Lowe. Analyzing a Library of Security Protocols using Casper and FDR.

1999/12 A.H. Forrest, J.R. Hunton and J. Kellendonk. Cohomology of Canonical Projection Tilings.

1999/13 Alan Forrest, John Hunton and Johannes Kellendonk. Projection Quasicrystals II: Versus Substitution Tilings.

1999/14 Zhiming Liu, Anders P. Ravn and Xiashan Li. Unifying Proof Methodologies of Duration Calculusand Timed Linear Temporal Logic.

1999/15 Irek Ulidowski and Iain Phillips. Ordered SOS Rules and Process Languages for Branching and Eager Bisimulations.

1999/16 Leon Greenberg and Marco Marletta. Numerical Solution of Nonselfadjout Sturm-Liouville Problems and Related Systems.

1999/17 F. Brezzi, P. Houston, D. Marini and E. Suli. Modeling Subgrid Viscosity for Advection-Diffusion Problems.

1999/18 Florent Madelaine and Iain A. Stewart. Some problems not definable using structure homomorphisms.

1999/19 K. Harriman, D.J. Gavaghan, P. Houston and E. Suli. Adaptive Finite Element Simulation of Currents at Microelectrodes to a Guaranteed Accuracy. Introduction using a Simple Model Problem.

1999/20 K. Harriman, D.J. Gavaghan, P. Houston and E. Suli. Adaptive Finite Element Simulation of Currents at Microelectrodes to a Guaranteed Accuracy. First Order EC' Mechanism at Inlaid and Recessed Discs.

1999/21 Jeremy Levesley and David L. Ragozin. Local Approximation on Manifolds using Radial Functions and Polynomials.

1999/22 Paul Houston and Endre Suli. Stabilized hp-Finite Element Approximation of Partial Differential Equations with Nonnegative Characteristic Form.

1999/23 S.J. Hales and J. Levesley. Multi-Level Approximation to Scattered Data using Inverse Multiquadrics.

1999/24 Nicole Snashall and John Watters. Skew polynomials and algebraic reflexivity.

1999/25 C.M. Campbell, E.F. Robertson, N. Ruskuc and R.M. Thomas. Direct Products of Automatics Semigroups.

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