[The University of Leicester]

Department of Mathematics & Computer Science

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CO1099 Information Technology

CO1099 Information Technology

Credits: 20 Convenor: Dr. Fer Jan de Vries Semester: 1

Assessment: Continual assessment: 50% Two hour exam in January: 50%
Lectures: 22 Problem Classes: none
Tutorials: none Private Study: 98
Labs: 24 Seminars: none
Project: none Other: none
Surgeries: 6 Total: 150

Subject Knowledge


This course aims to give students an understanding of information technology and its applications in the modern work environment. This includes an appreciation of the basic architecture of a computer system: the hardware and the software components of the system.

This module also aims to teach the use of the computer as a tool.

Learning Outcomes

Basic computer literacy. Students will learn to understand and gain experience with a variety of components of the Windows 2000 operating system.

They will also gain understanding of the history of computing and appreciation of the basic architecture of a computer system: the hardware and the software components of the system, the role of each, and their capabilities and limitations.


Class sessions, surgeries and extensive laboratory classes and coursework.


Marked coursework. Traditional written examination.

Subject Skills


To develop some basic IT skills, in particular, students will learn skills with the Windows 2000 operating system.

Learning Outcomes

The student will develop skills like handling Word and Excel. The full scope of these packages is explored and practical skills are developed through a series of laboratory exercises. Students will also gain skills in using communication packages, in both sending and receiving e-mail, and in accessing the Internet (free access to these facilities are provided for the entirety of the degree course). The course emphasises a `hands-on' approach. Experience with computers is not a prerequisite for this module.


Coursework with a variety of laboratory exercises


Marked coursework.

Course Description

The practical component of the module comprises a series of ten laboratory classes with on-line instruction, supplemented by four lecture demonstrations. Assessment is solely on the laboratory course work. The course teaches hands on experience with a number of much used software packages. The more theoretic component of the module consists of about 20 lectures supplemented by some surgeries.


IT: History of Computing and Computers. Hardware: overview of computer; computer components; networks, (communications, and the internet). What the operating systems is. How software is made, how the hardware is made. Computer Security. Sociological implications.

Applications: Operating systems and Windows. Document preparation and word processing in Microsoft Word: formatting, layout, styles, sectioning, tables, etc. Storage, analysis and presentation of data using Microsoft Excel: formulae and calculation; charts; databases; applications. Electronic mail, Internet Explorer & Netscape.

Reading list


E. Turban and K Rainer and R. Potter, Introduction to Information Technology, 2nd edition., John Wiley and Sons, Inc, 2003.

L. Long and N. Long, Computers, 9th edition, Prentice Hall, 2002.


Beekman, Computer Confluence, 4th edition, Prentice Hall, 2001.

Hutchinson and Sawyer, Computer Essentials, 2nd edition, Irwin, 1996.

Bandyo-padhyay, Computing for Non-specialists, Pearson Education, 2000.

Capron, Essentials of Computing, 2nd edition, Benjamin-Cummings, 1996.

R. Maran, Computers Simplified, 3rd edition, IDG, 1997.

Stern and Stern, Computing: Concepts for End Users, Wiley, 1990

R. White, How Computers Work, 2nd edition, Ziff-Davis Press, 1995.

There is no recommended textbook for the practical component of this module. All of the documentation required to complete the laboratory exercises is provided on the Web pages associated with module.

In case you really want to buy a book: any introductory book on Word or Excel will do. They all tend to be rather similar so just choose one that you like.

The following reading list is for the general I.T. lecture section.


Study guide, web page, coursework, electronic coursework submission facility, demonstrator and postgraduate support, computer labs, lecture rooms with blackboard, two OHPs and dataprojector

Module Evaluation

Course questionnaires, course review.

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Author: N. Rahman, tel: +44 (0)116 252 3902
Last updated: 2003-09-23
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